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Image by Elisa Ventur

Why SENSEability?

Because your success depends on your ability to overcome stress & find well-being

Stress can be crippling and even life-threatening. When we subject ourselves to undue stress without proper rest and recovery, we open ourselves to pain, disease, poor productivity, loss of well-being, and general deterioration of the Quality of Life.

Our five senses (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic/Tactile, Olfactory, and Gustatory) are the windows through which we perceive and experience the world. Our whole life experience is based on what we permit to enter through these windows. If you look at any experience in the past that has affected you for the better or worse, the experience would have been through one or more of these senses. Stress affects our ability to accept our sensory inputs with equanimity and creates pain and discontentment in us.


We at Excel People have been working with individuals, teams, and organisations to discover their inner potential and build leadership in their chosen fields over the last 16 years. We find that our ability to take control of these five senses empowers us with the ability to take control of our life. Based on our experience working with hundreds of thousands of individuals, we have distilled the core factors that affect our ability to face life with equanimity and succeed.


Stress can be caused when any one of these five pillars gets affected. 

1. Sleep

2. Exercise

3. Nutrition

4. Swara (Breath)

5. Energy (Life energy or Prana) 


Benefits of SENSEability:
1. Better Physical, Mental & Emotional Health
2. Better peak performance
3. Longer life
4. More well-being and happiness


We need more Senseability in our life to be able to manage this VUCA world. Volatility, Uncertainity, Complexity and Ambiguity are here to stay in today's world and we need the tools to navigate ourselves successfully through the obstacles we face daily. Improving ourselves from the inside through these 5 pillars of well-being is the most comprehensive way to face this VUCA world.


What are you waiting for? Ask us how.

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